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Telling A Brand Story (+7 Prompts To Get Started!)

Gone are the days when marketing centered around catalogs of products with an easy to remember phone number printed on every page. We're in the 21st century, where consumers want to connect and engage with brands. Which means now, more than ever, it's important to control the narrative surrounding your brand.

In last week's video, we discussed the 80/20 content rule (or why spamming your followers social media feeds with advertisements is a bad idea). If you didn't watch it yet, check it out here.

Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make,but the stories you tell. -Seth Godin

Now that we've covered what not to post, let's go over the content that you should be posting. The basics of storytelling are who, what, when, where, why and how. Brand storytelling is no different. We've put together 7 easy prompts for telling a brand story:

1. Who makes up your business? Are you a solo-preneur or do you have employees? What qualities do you look for when you hire staff?

2. Who will benefit, or has benefitted, from your brand? Sharing testimonials or examples of the lifestyle your brand is a great way to personalize your brand for your target audience.

3. What problem does your brand solve? What makes you and your brand qualified to solve that problem? What technical skills do you teach your staff have that allows them to solve this problem?

4. When did you decide to move forward with your business? When did you know that you were succeeding in solving the problem in your community?

5. Where are you located and how does this benefit your brand or consumers? Where do you see your brand expanding to in the future?

6. Why do you think your brand is succeeding (or has the potential to succeed)? Why do consumers say they chose you?

7. How are your products made? How are your services completed? How do you measure your brand's success after a sale is made or a service is finished?

Once you've answered the above questions, you can decide how you'll be telling the story. Video content is gaining popularity, so much so that it's being hailed as the future of social media marketing.

If you're not quite ready to crank out some quality video content, no worries. You can easily tell your brand's story through short blogging. Learn more about how blogging benefits brands here. If you're intimidated by the idea of starting a blog, we've got a blog post planner that will take you from idea (like the ones provided above) to published in no time!


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