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6 Ways Blogging Boosts Brands

Blogging is essential for content marketing strategy.

In a world focused on 140 character tweets and 10 second snaps, long-form content may seem antiquated. But blogging benefits brands in ways you may not think at first.

Check out these reasons brands make blogging the priority for their marketing strategy.

1. Blogging increases your websites search ranking.

It's simple -- Google ranks webpages based on how useful and relevant they are in a given web search. A number of factors are at play here -- keyword, links (both to and from the page), how long previous visitors stayed on the page once they clicked. Blogging allows you to stuff your web page with keywords people are searching for, while still providing useful content.

2. Blogging makes your website shareable.

We'd love it if everyone who visits our website shared our homepage to their social media platforms, but that's not realistic! Providing useful content and unique perspective encourages people to share your brand. Once you get started, you'll notice trends like what type of information gets peoples' attention and gets shared online. Hone in on that content and you'll be getting your brand seen all over the web.

3. Blogging situates your brand as a key leader in the industry.

Want to command attention in industry conversations? Share your ideas and experiences. Let's Talk started blogging because we understand this. There are millions of social media + content creation companies out there, and we want our voice to be heard. More than that, we want our voice to be respected so that people come to us with their social media + content creation questions.

4. Blogging can be used to build email lists and generate leads.

Setting up a newsletter or subscription option on your blog (especially when coupled with a freebie) gives people something of substance in exchange for their contact information. Instead of just asking people for their time, give them a reason to want your time.

Blogging is core component to any content strategy.

5. Blogging creates a solid base of content for social media platforms.

A consistent content strategy is hard to create from scratch. A weekly blog post can become

the backbone of your content calendar. Even better -- a single blog post can be the basis of hundreds of social media posts. Think outside of the box when highlighting quotes or concepts from your post to create engaging videos, graphics and printable content.

6. Blogging is simple, you just have to get started.

Setting up the Let's Talk Blog was a long-time goal for our brand. But once we got the page on the website designed, the ideas just flowed. A brand's blog should focus on what the brand does best, which means you're probably already full of blog post ideas.

If your brand doesn't have the time to spare, or the resources necessary to crank out incredible blog content each week, consider hiring a copy writer to do it for you. Let's Talk offers copy writing services to brands just like yours!

Have questions about getting started with your brand's blog? Leave them in the comments and we'll answer!

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